Norges sjømatråd, Innovasjon Norge og den norske ambassaden i Madrid, Spania inviterer til et felles webinar om status, konsekvensene og mulighetene i det spanske markedet. Webinaret vil foregå på engelsk.
Opptak av seminaret
Opptak med lyd av Respuesta Txema
- Introduction and welcome from Team Norway.
- Opening remarks from Odd Emil Ingebrigtsen, Norwegian Minister of Fisheries and Seafood.
- What has happened with the Spanish food market under Covid-19, and what is the status for salmon?
Txema Morales, Kantar. - How can seafood continue growing in retail and how can salmon contribute to this?
Gorka Azkona, Head of refrigerated seafood purchasing, Eroski. - Adding value through innovation. How is Procter & Gamble working with innovation?
Alberto Moriana, Vice President, Procter & Gamble South America
From TNS Kantar, Txema Morales will present the findings from their household panels and Covid-19 research about the food market in Spain. He will also talk about the opportunities within retail coming from the change in consumer behavior. Txema Morales is an experienced researcher within retail and retail trends and has followed the market in Spain for over 10 years. He has his professional background from AC Nielsen and Kantar.
From the retailer Eroski Gorka Azkona will present how Covid-19 has been affecting their business. He will share his perspectives on how seafood as a category has managed the crisis so far, and how it can strengthen its position in the retail market over the next years. Gorka Azkona has close to 20 years of experience from the seafood industry and is responsible for all refrigerated seafood purchases in Eroski.
From Procter & Gamble Vice President of South America, Alberto Moriana will present how P&G are working with innovations that grow categories and add value to the consumer and customers. P&G is well known for being one of the most innovative FMCG companies worldwide with brands like Gillette, Always, Ariel Head&Shoulders etc. Alberto Moriana knows Norway well from his assignment as a Country Manager for P&G in Norway. He is an expert of Spanish trade and has extensive experience from sales, marketing and working with global retailers.